How We Would Help You Pass the TfL SERU Test?
We have designed this user-friendly software to make it easy for you to understand the course content and to help you prepare and pass this exam.
We have the experience of having undertaken and successfully given you real-life questions which will come up in the actual exam. We have gathered over 756 questions that cover all the contents of the TFL Handbook, so you would not miss out on anything.
All these questions given to you are always as up-to-date as possible to prepare you for the official exam with confidence.
We thought it was important to offer the option to practice for the test chapter by chapter at your convenient pace. We have a mixture of chapter tests and timed mock exam tests that cover the entire handbook, the same timing as the exam, a summary of each chapter and the option to mark the questions you are unsure of to review or respond to them at the end. This is how we designed this course because we want to make this course easy for you to understand, so if you follow our guidelines and complete all the questions then you would pass the SERU assessment.